Krav Maga Ami Niv Seminar
for Army Special Forces
For these groups we will
focus on related 'hand to hand' combat for various situations in which hot
weapons (pistols, rifles, machine guns etc) cann't be used.
In this seminar we offer:
1. Improved techniques to neutralize an enemy wether working
alone or in a team.
2. Attack techniques using various weapons, and defences against
being attacked with weapons.
3. Scenarios will be practiced individually, with partners and
with the whole team, covering various situations and environments.
4. Sparring drills while stressed and fatigued.
5. Strategies to dealing with hostage scenarios, working alone
and in a team.
6. Quiet takedowns, neutralizing and handcuffing a person while
in a hostile environment (individual and as a team)
Open seminars, when
available, will be posted on the site: