International Center Association of KMA-Krav Maga Aiki Israeli city of Hadera - Winter Exercise through Krav Maga Aiki Ami Niv

Winter Exercise through Aiki Krav Maga Ami Niv

It's dark and cold outside, present in all people desire to curl up under a warm blanket, and spend a lot of time on the couch with a tendency to eat more high-calorie foods. What causes us to neglect physical activity which can cause tension, frustration, depression and obesity, the growing phenomena on colder days. Physical activity is even more important in winter, not only for fitness, it is also important mental state.

It can be more difficult to motivate yourself when the weather is cold and the Arabs are getting darker. Academy of Martial Arts Fitness and Ami Niv offer to come with a friend to practice, so that will encourage and maintain each other. A wide variety of activities under one roof executed in warm and temperate, however, contributing to an increase in environmental mood. Socially you are not alone what makes good sense, social and personal empowerment.

Maintaining a professional level athletes is very important to us and therefore, we exist in a variety of training programs suitable for all ages in the winter. It should be recalled that on cold days, joint flexibility and ability to muscle elongation significantly decreases in cold weather. The decrease in elasticity could result in decreased performance capability, increase the level of risk of muscle cramps and in some cases increase the risk of sports injuries. Our recommendations in the winter to keep, even more than usual, the primary heating before beginning training. The heating should encompass all the muscles and joints will be involved in that training, and recommended to a general heating of the body by the action raises the heart rate and blood flow.

In the cold season it is important to maintain body temperature during exercise so, and Fitness Academy Martial Arts Ami Niv Each student receives appropriate professional suit cold days. And Csmsiimim the practice recommended to wear warm clothes before going out into the open air and especially Maintain head and neck area.

Martial Arts Academy Ami Niv invites you to experiment by experience and experience with a family feeling learning atmosphere. A variety of physical activities for the whole family during the full year to 12 months in a variety of athletic and leisure. For details please contact 0507865021
Ami Niv
Founder of Aiki Krav Maga in Israel and abroad.
10 Krav Maga Dunn, Dunn 6 jujitsu, 4th Dan Aikido.
LLM. Master's degree in sociology and sports director.
Trainer and senior consultant in the field of security and law enforcement.