International Center Association of Aiki Krav Maga Israeli city of Hadera, Physical activity and KMA -Aiki Krav Maga as a way of life for preschoolers and children prevent obesity
International Center Association of Aiki Krav Maga Israeli city of Hadera, Physical activity and KMA -Aiki Krav Maga as a way of life for preschoolers and children prevent obesity.
Until a few years ago we could hear mothers calling their children from balconies to come and eat dinner and sleep. Today the situation is different child tightly in his house and especially the computer room, the agenda includes a visit to the school, homework and then seclusion in front of computer and TV. Parents today have to struggle their child out of the room socials and exercise. Schools devote two hours per week of physical activity, which is not enough to allow the child to move and make the most of his physical abilities, which include gym classes too old-fashioned values and not always appropriate for children today. Agenda as well as meals a day is arbitrary, the child eat whatever he wants and the established family meals take up less space in children's lives. Also snacks for culture is heating up, with a variety of snacks and fast food are becoming more readily available and easy to prepare by parents.
Please note that keeping an orderly physical activity increases a child's self-confidence, maintaining health and preventing chronic diseases in the future. When talking about exercise should focus on a number of levels. Psychological, and social health.
On the psychological level - a child who does not do exercise regularly have a child more tired, bored and frustrated more because he could not perform different actions which he wants to sports frames. As well as simple tasks at home. He searches for his "comfort" food to satisfy some immediate need and will get fatter and more. Children who are obese tend to have more anxiety and low self-esteem as well as confidence.
Health plain - obese children are more likely to chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, muscular dystrophy and the like. Diet unbalanced in children with obesity body gets different types of food, but utilizes only a small percentage from the activities and everything that was not burned in sports turns to fat loading on muscles and sometimes can also cause respiratory difficulties so it is important to provide the body with vitamins and minerals that are important to increase the spare metabolism in the body. Exercise can help a child with obesity even if it is already there, exercise causes the muscles of the child to work and use energy so that the fat is loaded on the muscle turns into energy and burns. It should be noted that non-obese child is very important to carry out controlled exercise to maintain the health and integrity of the child athlete. Academy fitness and martial arts Ami Niv suitable plan for each student, depending upon his own physicality and according to its health, with the aim of maximizing the abilities of the child and encourage him to lead a healthy life overall, good nutrition combined with constant physical activity as part of a training group organized 2 up to three times a week, so the child will come a gradual effective physical activity, and later an active professional athlete.
Social level - there is no doubt that a child is obese absorbent occasionally comments about his physical condition, could this cause him to depression, low self-confidence and self-esteem. The child may be ashamed of his body and refuse to participate in social activities or another. Martial Arts Academy Ami Niv treat each child equally and teach students to be respectful and tolerant of others, regardless of his personal appearance and promote joint social activities.
It should be noted that recently seen a worrying increase in constant cases of obesity among children and adult's consequences of this can be disastrous and therefore academy fitness and martial arts Ami Niv emphasized repeatedly the importance of a healthy lifestyle that includes proper nutrition and physical activity as one unit.
Ami Niv
Founder of Aiki Krav Maga in Israel and abroad.
dan 10 Krav Maga, dan 6 jujitsu, 4th Dan Aikido.
LLM. Master's degree in sociology and sports director.
Trainer and senior consultant in the field of security and law enforcement.
Mobile: 972 505 300 597
dan 10 Krav Maga, dan 6 jujitsu, 4th Dan Aikido.
LLM. Master's degree in sociology and sports director.
Trainer and senior consultant in the field of security and law enforcement.
Mobile: 972 505 300 597