The way of Imi Lichtenfeld Sde-Or founder of Krav Maga

Imi Lichtenfeld Sde-Or "Krav Maga self-defense is not for violence. Act the best you can but act correctly".

I dedicate this article to the memory of my teacher, Imi Lichtenfeld Sde-Or 05/26/1910 - 08/01/1998 founder of Krav Maga, I believe he would be very happy to read this article.

The significance of understanding a conflict situation and knowing how to defend oneself during these encounters are immense in a world where terrorism, crime, and violence are not foreign words. Today, we see many violent attacks and crimes and if we do not know how to defend ourselves, we create an opportunity for more of these types of situations to occur. Therefore, it is important to understand what are the best techniques to use during an event that provides a self-defense response which allows us to " Act the best you can but act correctly", Imi Lichtenfeld Sde-Or, "do minimum defense against maximum offense" Eli Avikzar, and "Perform the technique as a reflex, in a non-thinking manner and control the other attackers” Ami Niv. Unfortunately, there are many cases we may encounter such as bullying; a violent attack, a terrorist who wants to harm us or carry out a hostile terrorist act, or drunk and violent teenagers. If we are unprepared and can not take measures to protect ourselves, we can get badly hurt or killed.

The true essence of Krav Maga is first, knowing how to defend yourself. After that, it is knowing how to attack. The methodology is certainly not intended to attack innocent people or to enhance the status of violence. When I talk about Krav Maga, I am referring to fighters that started learning Krav Maga from Imi Lichtenfeld Sde-Or and then developed it in their own way.  They have not forgotten the foundation, self-defense; yet have advanced the art of Krav Maga to react to the weaponry of the present times.  Just as Imi Lichtenfeld Sde-Or, Eli Avikzar, and I, Ami Niv, have done each in our own career.

The essential difference between a violent attack and self-defense is that when we are defending ourselves, we do not want to get hurt. It is necessary to build a strong offensive and defensive strategy so that one can remove themselves from the situation without serious injury. Obviously, if we must engage in a more physical response, it should be done in order to neutralize the opponent through professional techniques developed from practice and perseverance. Krav Maga Ami Niv evolved from the Krav Maga style of Imi Lichtenfeld Sde-Or and Eli Avikzar. They mostly taught self-defense and hand-to-hand combat in the army, but also to civilians as they thought appropriate. The techniques were developed as an instinct response, not cognitive, considering that there can be multiple attackers approaching from various sides creating a more lethal attack.

Today, the focus of many styles of martial arts is to broaden the area of expertise and fighting styles. The goal is on being better athletes and warriors, in order to be more prepared for battle or fighting. In doing so, it is necessary to "perform the technique as a reflex, in a non-thinking manner and control the other attackers". There are some instructors who will try to manipulate Krav Maga to make it a method of warfare and violence in order to significantly hurt the opponent, however; the way the method is taught doesn't really allow for this way of thinking. The entire essence of Krav Maga and adherence to its fundamental understanding are based first on self-defense. Due to the important concept rooted in training; making minimum defense against maximum offense, it is very easy to distinguish who uses combat to attack versus to defend oneself.

Self-confidence is the best defender in life. When we act and do things with confidence, it's highly likely that we will succeed or will be in a better position than from where we started. When people learn Krav Maga Ami Niv from passionate and organized coaches, a lasting student-teacher relationship is created, they become more persistent in training, learn to deal with the physical and emotional stress of daily life, and build their self-confidence.

Krav Maga Ami Niv ideology is to raise fighters as self-defense weapons and attack when necessary while maintaining human rights and freedom. Imi Lichtenfeld Sde-Or and Eli Avikzar founders of Krav Maga, my mentors, with whom I spent many hours, always emphased the way to nurture the trainee is based on the following principles: to nurture the trainee from an early age and to study under experienced instructors that will provide quality education principles.  Then the trainee will develop their own personality and will know how to deal with violent attacks.

Krav Maga Ami Niv sees himself as a teacher and educator of his students and cares about the personal benefit of each student. It’s the only way we succeed and provide our students with the right skills for life.

Ami Niv

  • Founder of Krav Maga Ami Niv in Israel and abroad.

  • Dan 10 Krav Maga; Dan 7th jiu-jitsu, 4th Dan Aikido.

  • LLM. Master's degree in sociology and sports director.

  • Trainer and senior consultant in the field of security and law enforcement.